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premature baby with cerebral palsy

premature baby with cerebral palsy

Premature babies have a better chance of surviving without severe neurological problems now than they did back in the 1980s, according to a new study.Researchers looked at how the frequency of cerebral palsy changed among very low birth weight (VLBW) babies born at sixteen European centres between 1980 and 1996.
If your baby is born prematurely, he is 8 times more likely to develop cerebral palsy. This is because his lungs don?t have the chance to fully develop prior to birth, causing a lack of oxygen to his brain.

The risk of an oxygen shortage or ?asphyxia? increases if your labor and delivery take too long and your baby becomes stressed. The lack of oxygen destroys the delicate tissue in the cerebral motor cortex of his brain.

Preemies are also at increased risk for developing cerebral palsy  if their oxygen supply is cut off at any time before, during, or after birth.

Brain injury from forceps and/or vacuum,Small birth canal,Prolapsed cord.Plus Maternal conditions High blood pressure, A clotting disorder, Or diabetes increrases chances of baby being born early and developing cerebral palsy.

My friend's premature baby has cerebral palsy are there different types?


Based upon the form of motor impairment, cerebral palsy can be divided into types:

  • spastic cerebral palsy: Spasticity is often the result of damage to the white matter of the brain, but it can also be due to damage of gray matter. spasticity leads to a limitation of use of the involved extremity, largely due to the inability to coordinate movements. Often the spasticity occurs on one side of the body, but it can also affect the four limbs or be limited to both legs. When the condition occurs in both legs, the individual often has a scissoring posture, in which the legs are extended and crossed. Many patients with spastic cerebral palsy cannot control their output of urine. Besides the increased muscle tone there is also increased deep tendon reflexes, impaired fine and gross motor coordination, muscle weakness, and fatigability among other problems.

  • choreoathetoid cerebral palsy: Choreoathetoid cerebral palsy is associated with abnormal, uncontrollable, writhing movements of the arms and/or legs.  the degree of symptom severity often varies, from mild to severely affected.
  • hypotonic cerebral palsy: Hypotonia is diminished muscle tone. The infant or child with hypotonic cerebral palsy appears floppy -- like a rag doll. In early infancy, hypotonia can be easily seen by the inability of the infant to gain any head control when pulled by the arms to a sitting position (this symptom is often referred to as head lag). Children with severe hypotonias may have the most difficulty of all children with cerebral palsy in attaining motor skill milestones and normal cognitive development.often the result of severe brain damage or malformations.

long term help for baby with cerebral palsy

Most of the causes of cerebral palsy do not have specific, curative treatments.The initial stage of treatment involves an interdisciplinary team, consisting of a pediatrician, preferable one with experience in neurodevelopmental disorders, a neurologist (or other neurological practitioner), a mental health practitioner, an orthopedic surgeon, a physical therapist, a speech therapist, and a occupational therapist. Eachof these specialist play a part in the overall care and assistance for a better quality of life and support.Medical care of children with cerebral palsy is often seriously hampered by the inability of the child to communicate his or her needs and sensations. Relatively common childhood illnesses in babies and children with cerebral palsy, such as ear infections, or urinary tract infections.
The physical therapist evaluates muscle tone, strength.
The occupational therapist reviews the child's ability to perform tasks of self-help and care -- from feeding to manual dexterity.